Dr. Ryan Richard Ruff, PhD, MPH, is an epidemiologist and education researcher interested in school health and child development. He is an associate professor in the department of Epidemiology & Health Promotion at New York University with appointments at the College of Dentistry and the School of Global Public Health. Dr. Ruff conducts pragmatic clinical trials and community-based participatory research studies to test alternative models for disease prevention. He is a Principal Investigator of the CariedAway research network, PI of the Building Adaptive School-based Interventions for Caries Study (BASICS), and PI of the Pragmatic Research to Implement Sustainable Medicine in Schools (PRISMS) project. Dr. Ruff is also the director of the Biostatistics Core, supporting additional collaborations in oncology, biomaterials, and molecular pathobiology.
PhD in Research, Statistics, & Evaluation
University of Virginia
MPH in Epidemiology
Harvard University
MPhil in Education Policy
Cambridge University
BAMT in Education
University of Virginia
School-based research network and caries prevention program
Pragmatic Research to Implement Sustainable Medicine in Schools
Adaptive interventions to reduce treatment nonresponse